Murphy and Son

Unlocking the Secret to Great Cider with Processing Aids & Preservatives

Producing great cider goes beyond selecting the right apples and mastering fermentation—it requires precision, control, and the use of carefully chosen processing aids and preservatives. These tools help ensure that your cider remains stable, fresh, and flavourful from the moment it leaves the fermenter to the day it’s enjoyed by customers. In this blog, we’ll explore the essential role of processing aids and preservatives in cidermaking and how they can elevate your craft.

Why Processing Aids and Preservatives Matter

In cidermaking, it’s crucial to control microbial activity, prevent oxidation, and maintain the integrity of the cider over time. While traditional methods can help, the modern cidermaker can benefit from advanced tools that simplify and enhance the process. This is where processing aids and preservatives come into play. They not only streamline production but also safeguard the cider’s natural flavours and aromas.

Using the right processing aids means more than just preventing spoilage—it’s about ensuring that every batch of cider tastes as fresh and crisp as intended, whether it’s enjoyed right after bottling or months down the line.

The Essential Tools for Better Cider

Below are a few key products every cidermaker should consider to keep their cider stable, flavourful, and fresh:

1. Potassium Metabisulphite: Preventing Oxidation and Spoilage

Potassium Metabisulphite is a widely trusted preservative in the beverage industry, particularly valued for its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. It releases sulphur dioxide (SO₂) when dissolved, which protects cider from spoilage organisms and prevents oxidation, ensuring your cider maintains its bright, clean flavour.

2. Sodium Metabisulphite: An Effective and Affordable Alternative

Similar to potassium metabisulphite, Sodium Metabisulphite acts as both a preservative and antioxidant. This alternative is particularly valued for its cost-effectiveness and its ability to protect the cider against microbial contamination and spoilage.

3. Sailcon Liquid: Easy-to-Use Liquid Sulphite Solution

For large-scale cidermakers seeking ease and precision, Sailcon Liquid is a liquid sulphite solution that’s simple to dose and manage. It ensures consistent protection against oxidation and microbial spoilage without the hassle of handling powders.

Unlocking Consistency, Freshness, and Quality

At the heart of every great cider is a balance of freshness, flavour, and stability. By incorporating processing aids and preservatives like Potassium Metabisulphite, Sodium Metabisulphite, and Sailcon Liquid, cidermakers can ensure that each batch not only tastes great when bottled but continues to impress long after it leaves the production line.

Processing aids are more than just a safeguard—they’re essential tools that help you consistently craft the high-quality cider your customers love.

Ready to Elevate Your Cider Production?

At Murphy & Son, we offer a range of processing aids and preservatives to meet your cidermaking needs. Contact us today to learn more about our products and how they can improve your process.

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