In the art of cider making, achieving the perfect balance of sweetness, acidity, and alcohol is a nuanced process that demands precision. While traditional methods focus on the natural fermentation of apples, modern cider makers are increasingly turning to Rectified Grape Must (RCGM) to elevate their craft. Originally a staple in winemaking, RCGM offers cider makers a versatile tool to fine-tune the profile of their product. In this blog, we will explore what rectified grape must is, how it is produced, and how it can be effectively used to enhance cider.

What is Rectified Grape Must?

Rectified Grape Must (RCGM) is a concentrated grape-derived product consisting primarily of sugars (glucose and fructose) and water. It is created through a refinement process that strips away impurities such as acids, tannins, and solids, leaving behind a clear, neutral syrup. This high-purity sugar solution can be used to sweeten or adjust the balance of a beverage without introducing any additional flavours, aromas, or acidity.

For cider makers, this is a valuable tool, as RCGM offers the opportunity to control sweetness and alcohol content without overpowering the delicate apple flavors that define the drink.

How is Rectified Grape Must Produced?

The production process for rectified grape must involves several key stages of refinement:

  1. Grape Juice Extraction: Freshly harvested grapes are crushed to extract the juice, which is the base for RCGM. This raw juice contains natural sugars, acids, and solids.
  2. Filtration: The raw grape juice is then filtered to remove unwanted solids, seeds, skins, and pulp. This clarifies the juice, making it ready for further processing.
  3. Deacidification: In this stage, acids (primarily tartaric and malic acids) are removed to create a neutral product. Deacidification ensures that the resulting RCGM does not alter the acid profile of the cider.
  4. Concentration: The filtered and deacidified juice undergoes evaporation to remove water, increasing the sugar concentration to a high Brix level (sugar content). This step results in a thick, syrup-like substance, ideal for sweetening.

The final product is a colorless, odorless, flavorless syrup that provides sweetness and fermentation control without impacting the natural apple characteristics in cider.

Applications of Rectified Grape Must in Cider Making

Rectified Grape Must is a flexible ingredient that allows cider makers to enhance various elements of their products. Here’s how RCGM can be used to improve cider making:

1. Sweetness Adjustment

RCGM provides a natural way to adjust the sweetness of cider without introducing artificial or processed sugars. This is particularly useful for cider makers looking to create semi-sweet or sweet styles while maintaining the integrity of the apple flavors. Since RCGM is grape-derived and contains the same sugars (glucose and fructose) found in apples, it integrates seamlessly into the cider, offering a consistent and clean sweetness.

2. Alcohol Content Modification

Fermentation is driven by the sugar content in the must (or juice), which yeast converts into alcohol. In some cases, apples may not have sufficient sugar levels to produce the desired alcohol content, particularly in cooler climates or poor harvest years. Adding RCGM can boost the fermentable sugar content, allowing for an increase in alcohol levels without having to resort to more aggressive methods like chaptalisation (adding refined sugar).

3. Controlling Fermentation

RCGM can be used to manage fermentation speed and stability. By introducing RCGM in a controlled manner during fermentation, cider makers can ensure a steady supply of sugars for the yeast, reducing the risk of stuck fermentation—a common issue where yeast becomes inactive before all sugars have been converted. This technique is especially useful for high-alcohol ciders or those that require prolonged fermentation periods.

4. Enhancing Body and Mouthfeel

Ciders, particularly dry or light ciders, can sometimes feel thin or watery. RCGM can help enhance the body and mouthfeel by contributing subtle viscosity to the final product. This gives the cider a richer texture and can make it feel more substantial on the palate, resulting in a more satisfying drinking experience.

5. Consistency Across Batches

As with wine, apples can vary significantly in sugar content and flavour from season to season due to climatic conditions, growing regions, and apple varieties. By incorporating RCGM into the cider-making process, cider makers can standardise the sugar content and ensure a consistent product across multiple batches, even when the apples themselves vary in quality or ripeness.

How to Use Rectified Grape Must in Cider Making

Using RCGM in cider making requires precise calculations to ensure that it enhances the product without overpowering it. Here are some general guidelines:

  1. Adding RCGM Pre-Fermentation: If you’re looking to boost alcohol content or balance sweetness, RCGM can be added to the apple juice before fermentation. It integrates easily and provides the necessary sugars for yeast to produce alcohol. Make sure to calculate the appropriate quantity based on the target alcohol percentage and desired sweetness level.
  2. Adding RCGM Post-Fermentation: For ciders that have already fermented dry but require sweetness adjustment, RCGM can be added post-fermentation. This is common in commercial cider production, where ciders are often fermented completely before back-sweetening to the desired level. Post-fermentation additions allow for precise control over sweetness without affecting alcohol content.
  3. Gradual Additions During Fermentation: For a slow and controlled fermentation, RCGM can be added gradually during the fermentation process. This ensures that yeast has a steady supply of fermentable sugars and can prevent stuck fermentation in high-alcohol ciders.

It’s important to note that small additions of RCGM can have a significant impact, so careful measurement is crucial to avoid oversweetening or overpowering the natural apple flavor.

Advantages of Using Rectified Grape Must in Cider Making

The advantages of incorporating RCGM into cider production are numerous. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Natural Sweetness: Since RCGM is derived from grapes, it offers a natural alternative to artificial sweeteners or processed sugars, maintaining a cleaner label for your cider.
  • Flavor Integrity: Because RCGM is flavour-neutral, it sweetens without masking the apple characteristics of the cider, allowing the true fruit profile to shine.
  • Consistency: RCGM allows cider makers to ensure consistency in alcohol content and sweetness levels, even when raw apple juice varies between harvests.
  • Flexibility: Whether you’re aiming for a dry cider with increased alcohol or a semi-sweet style with more body, RCGM offers a flexible and precise tool for achieving your goals.


Rectified Grape Must is a valuable asset in the cider maker’s toolkit, offering a natural and effective way to refine sweetness, enhance alcohol content, and improve the overall structure of cider. As modern cider makers strive for balance, consistency, and precision, RCGM provides a versatile solution that integrates seamlessly into the cider-making process without compromising the integrity of the final product. Whether you’re crafting a commercial cider or experimenting with artisanal batches, RCGM offers a reliable way to elevate your cider to new heights.

As the use of RCGM continues to expand beyond winemaking, cider makers are discovering its potential to create more balanced, flavourful, and consistent ciders that meet consumer demand for high-quality beverages. By mastering the use of rectified grape must, you can ensure that each bottle of cider delivers the perfect balance of sweetness, body, and alcohol, season after season.