Many businesses are experiencing tough times and breweries are feeling the squeeze.
Like a chef taking cheaper cuts of meat and creating something delicious through skill and knowledge, we aim to help you build a beautiful beer through simple processing, careful selection of ingredients and brewing aids.
We are calling this beer recipe a Light and Low Pale Ale as it is designed to be light in colour, low carb, low cost and low in energy consumption.
Murphy and Son manufacture, supply and support a range of treatments and brewing aids that help brewers improve, reduce and save.
The recipe is therefore not prescriptive, but guidance is provided to utilise a range of our products to save with style.
Light and low style guide
- Pale, unfiltered, slight haze (~5EBC), dry and low carb, high drinkability but moderate ABV ~5%ABV to keep some body in the beer.
- Fresh light hoppy flavour and aroma.
- Simple processing, short brew cycle, low energy costs, minimal waste, frugal grist and shrewd hop selection.

A soft/balanced profile would be a good starting point for this beer. Acid and salt use is described here
CapDi uses ~1/3rd of the energy of RO treatment.
Trizyme use will allow for simple processing whilst using cheaper unmalted adjuncts such as Flaked Barley, Flaked Oats and Flaked Wheat at ~10% each. Starting dose rate 700ml/tonne grist.
AMG– Provides significant yield savings for light (low carb beer) vs regular beer. E.g. 5% ABV beer produced from an OG of ~1038 Sacch (9.5 Plato). ~20% grist bill saving. Dry beers tend to add a refreshing drinkability.
Antifoam provides up to 15% extra capacity. Getting more out for each brew can provide compound savings. Energy and emissions are reduced and raw materials are maximised. Optimal use also provides better final beer foam! You can find out more about final beer foam by clicking here.
Producing an unfiltered “hop hazy” beer will save time and money. Optimised Protafloc will ensure short brew cycles (~12Days), cool rather than cold temperatures and better yields can be achieved whilst meeting appearance goals (e.g. < 5EBC). Saving time and money.
Light and Low Tips
By eliminating cold maturation and using Protafloc as the primary means of clarity and stability control it is recommended to make this a “live beer”. Packaging with a small amount of healthy yeast 0.25-0.75 million cells per ml. This will help with physical and flavour stability as yeast is a great oxygen scavenger. A simple attenuation limit test is included in a previous blog here.
Hopping: utilising unsung hop heroes is recommended; hops which can provide interesting flavours and aromas but won’t break the bank. Generous additions, late, at cast, whirlpool and using a hop nick/hopback if available, can add interesting, layered aromas whilst keeping yields up and losses low.
We hope you have fun producing something new! If you create a recipe, we would love to hear your feedback: