Lallemand WildBrew Sour Pitch™ (250g)

Lallemand WildBrew Sour Pitch produces a clean and balanced citrus flavor profile typical of both traditional and modern sour beer styles.

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SKU: Y-WBSOUR-250G Categories: , , ,


  • Product description

    When inoculated at optimal temperature and the right conditions, it is a powerful, safe and easy way to handle bacteria for various beer souring techniques, such as a typical kettle souring process.

    Styles which can be brewed with WildBrew Sour Pitch™ include, but are not limited to, Berliner Weisse, Gose, lambic, American Wild, and Sour IPA. WildBrew™ Sour Pitch will deliver unmatched consistency, effortless application, fully assured performance and unparalleled purity for brewing the sour beer style of your choice.

    Focus on your creativity and style and let WildBrew Sour Pitch do the rest.

    Read Andrew Paterson's Blog on Sour Pitch vs Helveticus


  • Additional information

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    Available In

    Lallemand WildBrew Sour Pitch (250g)