Blank Canvas

Blank Canvas is a English Ale yeast strain used in a wide variety of traditionally brewed English Ale styles. This high performing, consistent and versatile strain is a staple in English brewing traditions, embodying the history and craftsmanship of English Ale production.

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  • Product description

    One of the defining features of this yeast strain is its high flocculation behaviour. Helping to produce clear beer, reducing the amount of
    fining agents needed, and an ideal yeast choice for cask conditioned beer.

    Beer Styles
    The Blank Canvas yeast is well-suited for brewing a wide range of traditional English Ale styles, including Bitters, Milds, Porters, Stouts,
    and Barley Wine.

    Flavour Profile
    This yeast produces neutral, subtly fruity, and estery brews with a crisp, mildly sweet aftertaste, showcasing the delightful interplay of malt and hop essence, particularly when fermented at 18°C.

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