

Consultancy Corner – Master Brewer Don Jeffrey

Someone said, “There’s nothing new in Brewing – it’s just regurgitated in a different package” Well, that’s true, but the understanding of what’s going on is a lot clearer these days....

How to improve and support your brewing yeast fermentation

Some yeast strains require additional vitamins, amino acids, essential salts and trace elements to maintain good growth and health throughout fermentation. In order to supplement the nutrients...

Consultancy Corner – Master Brewer Graham Moss

Graham is a well known UK master brewer with over 35 years experience in the brewing and process industries. He has worked closely with Murphy and Son and breweries of all sizes from the mid...

Ideal Winter Fining Products: Kompactikleer & Brewbrite

As the nights are drawing in and temperatures are dropping, this may be the ideal time to consider trying some of our products that reduce the chances of chill haze. We currently have two products...

Consultancy Corner – Master Brewer John Bexon

John has worked closely with Murphy’s for over 25 years in his many brewing roles throughout his career. He has always been a great ambassador for Murphy & Son and we have always had a strong...

Our carrageenan (Kettle Finings) product range

Our kettle finings (carrageenan) products are added to the wort in the kettle to enhance protein removal as the wort cools. Benefits Natural product which removes substantial quantities of...