

Tough time? Time to try something new- a light and low pale ale!

Many businesses are experiencing tough times and breweries are feeling the squeeze. Like a chef taking cheaper cuts of meat and creating something delicious through skill and knowledge, we aim to...

The Yeast Factor: Elevating Spirit Quality with Specialised Strains

In the world of spirits, yeast is often the unsung hero. While raw materials and distillation techniques get much of the attention, it’s yeast that transforms sugars into alcohol and contributes to...

Unlocking Cider Stability: The Products You Need to Keep Your Cider Fresh

Cidermaking is a delicate balance of art and science, with stabilisation playing a critical role in maintaining the flavour, clarity, and shelf life of your product. While fermentation brings out the...

The Enzymatic Edge: Transforming Traditional Brewing with Modern Solutions

In today’s brewing landscape, consistency, efficiency, and quality are the pillars of successful beer production. One of the most effective ways to achieve these goals is through the use of...

Control pH, Control Quality: The Essentials for Great Cider

pH control is crucial in cidermaking, as it directly influences fermentation, flavour, microbial stability, and the shelf life of the final product. Maintaining the right pH throughout the...

Unlocked Perfect Sweetness with Rectified Grape Must (RCGM)

In the art of cider making, achieving the perfect balance of sweetness, acidity, and alcohol is a nuanced process that demands precision. While traditional methods focus on the natural fermentation...

Game-Changing Rectified Grape Must (RCGM)

In the art and science of winemaking, achieving balance and consistency is essential. Whether a wine is bold or delicate, sweet or dry, the process behind it requires precision. Rectified Grape Must...

Crystal Clear Cider: Unlocking the Benefits of Clarification

When it comes to crafting the perfect cider, clarity is key. Not only does a clear cider look more appealing, but it also signifies a high-quality product free from unwanted particles and impurities....

Perfect Your Wine: Clarification & Fining Essentials

Crafting the perfect wine is an art that requires precision, patience, and the right tools. One of the critical steps in winemaking is ensuring your wine is clear and stable before bottling. This...

Be a Part of the Solution: Recycle Your Murphy Drums

At Murphy & Son, our commitment to sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint is at the heart of our operations. As part of this mission, we’ve established a returnable drum policy to...